Disclaimer: These past papers are not the property of Study Classics, they are being shared here only to aid access to them, since many past papers and valuable resources are only available to public schools and places with a history of teaching the subject with photocopies to these limited resources.
Prose past papers for A2.
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2010 Seuthes requests Xenophons army
- Greek Unseen Prose Diodorus Siculus 2009 The Isaurians sacrifice themselves instead of surrendering
- Greek Unseen Prose Arrian 2008 Alexander treats the defeated King Dareios with respect
- Greek Unseen Prose Thucydides 2007 Kylons followers are murdered
- Greek Unseen Prose Arrian 2007 King Poros is persuaded to surrender
- Greek Unseen Prose Arrian 2006 Nearchos tricks his way into a city for food
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2005 Tithraustes bribery
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2005 Agesilaos reacts to Tissaphernes declaration of war on him
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2004 Xenophon and his men persuade an Armenian governor to provide provisions to
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2004 Menons display of solidarity with Cyrus
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2003 Xenophon makes tactics with the allied Mossunoikoi
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2003 A former slave negotiates a safe passage for the Greek army
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2002 Alcibiades tries to blockade Calchedon
- Greek Unseen Prose Thucydides 2002 The Athenians start to rebuild Athens
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2001 A soothsayer sacrifices himself for the sake of his side
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2000 Manias murder and the aftermath
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon Edexcel 2000 A reminder of the importance of Athenian sea power and naval dominance
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 1990 Socrates debates the concept of wealth with Critobulus
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 1988 Socrates speaks about the importance of law
Verse past papers for A2.
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides AQA Theseus offers Heracles sanctuary after he murdered his wife and children
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides 2017 Antigone fights with Creon
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides 2016 Hecuba advises Andromache not to defy the Greeks
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides 2015 Menelaus explains his plans for Helen
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides 2015 Alcestis tells her husband to care for their children once she is dead
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides 2014 King Aegeus finds out the source of Medeas distress
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles 2009 Neoptolemos regrets his cowardly trickery
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles 2006 A messenger informs Jocasta of the truth about Oedipus
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles 2006 Thebans bring news to Jocasta about her husband Oedipus
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles Past Paper 2005 Orestes Death is announced
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides AQA 2003 Hecuba contrasts her previous good fortune present misfortune
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles AQA 2001 Oedipus death
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides Edexcel 2000 Alcestis dies in place of her husband Admetus and bids him farewel
- Greek Unseen Verse Euripides AQA 2000 Electra finds Orestes unknown to her
- Sophocles 1997 Philoctetes recalls his abandonment
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles AQA 1996 Odysseus demands Ajax be respected
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles 1995 Deianeira celebrates her husband Heracles victory
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles AQA 1994 A messenger brings news of Heracles return to Deianeira
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles 1990 Neoptolemus and the arms of Achilles
- Greek Unseen Verse Sophocles 1986 Electra rebukes her sister
Past papers for AS.
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2014 The Athenians are invited to a meeting with a Persian King
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2013 Cyrus warning to his men
- Greek Unseen Prose Xenophon 2012 Young Cyrus witnesses the effects of excessive amounts of alcohol
- Greek Unseen Prose Lysias 2011 Lysias prosecutes Alcidbades
- Greek Unseen Prose Lysias 2010 Lysias describes the Amazons
- Greek Unseen Prose Lysias 2009 A Defendant argues his part in the navy was worthy of the states expectations